A Poet’s Ballad

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About In a Word ... Blog

I am a lover of words with a great reverence for the power they possess to build up, tear down, evoke emotion, and take you on journeys to places you have never been or merely to the recesses of your mind. My personal manifesto: If we are not creating, adding something of value to the Universe, then we are ever so slowly sucking the Life out of it ... and taking up all too valuable real estate ... Create ... Give something back!

9 responses to “A Poet’s Ballad”

  1. Francina says :

    beautifully expressed.. I like the layers in your poem. Francina

  2. Francina says :

    Because your web site deserves it, I nominate and give you the 7 x 7 award.



  3. Angela says :

    Oh, that’s beautiful!

  4. Anna Mark says :

    I can relate to that metronome. A beautiful poem, indeed.

  5. lscotthoughts says :

    So lovely and am also familiar with that metronome! 🙂

    Thanks so much for your visits!

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